Veterans Memorial Park is an active public square in the heart of the Village of Webster which no longer meets the programming demands of the Village. Historically a park for remembrance services, the space has become activated by a recent increase in surrounding commercial activity as well as active community programs. The increased park use and community programming has contributed to the perception of diminished significance of the Veteran’s memorial. The Village recognized the need to develop a Master Plan for the park hat will better supports the diverse community needs, strengthen the veteran’s memorial, and establish a timeline for phased improvements to the active and aging community asset.
The Master Plan establishes a vision that will significantly improve the existing Veterans Memorial and public park located in the Village of Webster. The master plan clearly defines the use areas in the park, maintaining open lawn for community programs and establishing a well-defined memorial plaza for the veteran’s and area for recognition services. The Master Plan includes a looped perimeter walking path with opportunities for public art integration that will reinforce the Veteran’s Memorial Park identity. The proposed improvements will support and expand park programming opportunities and strengthen the character of the Village.
Master Planning
Architectural Renderings
Location: Village of Webster, New York
Size: 0.50 acres
Client: Village of Webster
Completion Date: July 2018