Project represents Zakery Steele’s experience under preivous employment. This project was not completed by Sue Steele Landscape Architecture, PLLC.
The Oneonta Downtown Redevelopment Initiative invests $10 million in New York State funding to help provide new urban identity and leverage significant private investment in Oneonta’s downtown. The Oneonta DRI was a community planning process completed in 2017 that identified key private stakeholders, organizations, and public infrastructure projects that would act as a catalyst to reinvigorate Oneonta’s urban identity and lead to new cultural and economic opportunities. The strategies developed relied on a significant public outreach and echo the characteristics of the community.
A range of projects were identified as catalysts for downtown revitalization. Among these, Mr. Steele served as Senior Landscape Architect and led the concept design of the Muller Plaza Passage and the Water Street Boardwalk. Muller Plaza Passage establishes a unique and artistic pedestrian way between Oneonta’s central urban plaza and Water Street. The connection allows access to the City’s public parking garage, proposed Transit Hub and Innovation District. The Water Street Boardwalk rehabilitates and expands an existing aerial walkway connecting shops and services along Market Street to newly planned development within the Transit Hub and Innovation District. Together, these pedestrian linkages connect the busting downtown business district to new services and infrastructure.
New York State Department of State
City of Oneonta, New York
Mohawk Valley REDC
Urban Design
Landscape Architecture
Public Engagement
Project Team
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Project completed under previous employment.