Facility administrators realized the need to develop a Master Plan after significant tree loss from a series of storm events. The tree loss occurred within the 6-acre conservation area and location of the beloved campus nature trail. Along with addressing safety concerns, facility administrators were interested in making improvements to the nature trail and conservation area to appeal to the expanding youthful and active resident population.
Through the development of the master plan, it was discovered that the forest conservation area is over 90 years old and in need of a forest management plan to preserve and protect the forest. An in-depth investigation guided the development of a forest management plan, which was then used at the foundation for the nature trail master plan.
The nature trail recommendations celebrate the history of the site with expanded trail segments and incorporation of educational signage and interpretive elements. As the trees meet their life expectancy, they will be given a second life and used to create site amenities such as benches, pavilions, and signs. The master plan is deeply rooted in best practices in design for senior facilities, with a goal of creating a restorative environment for the residents.
Master Planning
Location: Pittsford, New York
Size: 6.20 acres
Completion Date: January 2019 (anticipated)